How to complete your design

There are seven steps to fill in which are set out below. Every step is automatically saved, so you can leave and come back and finish off from where you were whenever you want.

These seven steps are:
You When do you want to retire? Input some basic details about yourself.
Wants What do you want when you retire? This will be split into a lifetime income, plus any extra you want on top for the first five years.
Haves What can you put towards your retirement? You can add pension pots plus private and state pension incomes, as well as any savings you could use, cash you expect in future and other non pension income you expect in retirement. The more accurate the information you can enter the better the design.
Life How long is your retirement likely to be? Answer one simple question to get an estimate of this.
Design Can you get what you want in retirement if everything goes to plan?
Test Does your plan still work if things don't go to plan? Your plan will be tested on four scenarios where you may need extra income. If your plan doesn’t work and you are likely to run out of money in any of these and you are concerned this scenario may happen, you can adjust your plan further if wanted to try to stop this happening.
Final Are you happy with your plan and any adjustments you've made?